
Pricing Plans

The four prices below depend on what letter you are requesting. After consultation you will be emailed a payment link to complete your order and receive your letter.

Note that if your housing requests extra verification documentation (which happens about 10% of the time), you will be sent a link to pay an additional $20 fee for that to be completed by your provider.

*A renewal request is only valid if you are receiving the letter(s) from the same provider as the year prior.

First Year ESA or PSD


Both ESA and


ESA or PSD Renewal


Both ESA and PSD Renewal


Let Us Help You Start Your Journey Today!

Please click on any of the tabs on the homepage to begin your free assessment or renew if you’re seeking an

ESA and/or PSD letter. Note that the above prices are what you can expect to be sent to you post consultation/ approval.